I long to be safe inside my home

by 1victorlouis

I look out through the windows of my home,

It is cold outside. The winter has come.

I watch the trees sway in the bitter wind,

Wondering if they sway in pain or joy.

They must suffer the elements like us,

But do they dwindle like we do so much?

When the current of life is against us,

How many of us could stand tall like they do?


I watch from my house as the ice draws near,

The water yielding to the polar cold,

Like an army retreating from the fields,

Of war and death. But water lies in wait

For the sun to come and wake the free seas.

What do we do when the sun does not shine?

What do we do when grief assaults us like ice?


I sit inside my home, lonely and cold.

With sadness I look into that abyss.

Out there I would look for warmth and comfort,

But in here I look for peace and quiet.

Like the wind blows against this home of mine,

So does my thoughts attack this heart of mine.

The wind flows in through holes to my safe home,

Just like grief seeping into my poor soul.

Oh, if I could just pay for insulation. Image